Sunday, February 26, 2023

Getting Started With Jenkins Pipeline Notifications

Jenkins pipeline notifications are a great way to get alerts when certain events occur. Often, they’re used as a way to notify developers or on-call team members when an automated build has failed or completed successfully. There are many plugins available to send messages via Slack, HipChat or even email among other methods.

Scripted Pipeline Syntax

There are two different ways to set up a pipeline, either using scripted syntax or declarative syntax (the latter is the more common approach). Both have their pros and cons.

Scripted Pipeline syntax allows for more control over the flow of the pipeline, and is a better choice when you want to use multiple stages or steps that all have similar tasks. In addition, it allows for much simpler documentation of what steps should be done in a particular stage or step.

Declarative Syntax

The declarative syntax of a pipeline can be more powerful than scripted, and it also allows for more granular control over the pipeline. This is useful when you want to write more complex jobs, or if you need to control the flow of the pipeline in a more deterministic manner.

However, it is important to understand that this approach will not be suitable for every type of job. For example, a test automation project might want to send an email when a specific test fails, but a security analysis pipeline will not be able to do this easily.

This is why a common solution is to use a shared library, which provides a standardized set of steps that can be adapted to different types of jobs.

Shared libraries provide a unified environment that developers can work in, and they also ensure that the UI will be uniform across multiple projects. A shared library will also reduce the number of files you need to edit, which can be helpful if you have multiple teams working on the same project.

The Shared library also helps to make the pipeline more deterministic, as it doesn’t have to be changed when new features are introduced. In fact, the Shared library will keep track of which version of each step was last modified so that you can update it without having to make changes to your code.

Getting started with a pipeline

The first thing you need to do is configure your Jenkins instance. This can be done in the Jenkins portal or via a command line interface, depending on how you’d like to set it up.

You should also add a smtp server to your How to get notifications from Jenkins and configure it for sending emails. Once you’ve done that, you can set up mail notification by adding a Mailer plugging to the pipeline in post-build actions.

Next, you need to set the triggers for which you want to send the emails. This is important so that the emails will be sent to the right people at the right time.

In the case of a test automation project, you should set a trigger on the test-case step so that an email is sent when the test is complete. If you’re not sure what the trigger is, you can set it up in a freestyle job and then add it to the pipeline in post-build actions. Then, when you click build now, the trigger will be active and an email will be sent to the testers with a link to the pipeline in the Stage view.

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