Saturday, July 29, 2023

Architekten Vorsorge


Vorsorge bedeutet kick the bucket Planung der finanziellen Zukunft und der Absicherung von Besitzern im Fall einer Erwerbsunfähigkeit oder des Todes. Es ist deshalb wichtig, dass Vorsorgeplanung im Zusammenhang mit beruflicher Ausübungspflicht berücksichtigt wird.

Architekten Vorsorge ist ein unabhängiges gemeinnütziges Sozialversicherungsunternehmen für Architekten, Ingenieure, Bauleitern und anderen Fachbereichen mit dem Schwerpunkt auf lair Schweizeren. Seit 1961 bietet pass on Gesellschaft ihren Arbeitnehmern sichere Vorsorgeleistungen in der Schweiz an. Pass on Gesellschaft ist in cave Bereichen Gesundheitsleistungen, Versicherungsdienstleistung und Vermögensversicherung gebildet und verfügt über mehr als 14'500 Arbeitnehmer.

The Architekten Versorge - Pensionskasse (AVP) was established in 1961 as an autonomous organization by the Swiss Relationship of Designers and Draftsmen (SIA), the Schweizerische Technische Verbande (STV) and the Swiss Relationship of Constructors (BSA). Today, it is Switzerland's driving annuity reserve for draftsmen and other specialized callings. It is an unabhangige Stiftung>> with a neglected administration and an elevated degree of safety.

All since its establishing, AVP Architekten Vorsorge has developed impressively and presently covers virtually Switzerland's expert gatherings in the space of wellbeing and mishap protection, life coverage and demise benefit. The AVP likewise offers its individuals many different administrations, remembering guidance for charge related issues and the acquisition of land and speculations.

AVP is an individual from the Swiss Government backed retirement Framework (SSS) and is dependent upon the guidelines set by the State, which promise it monetary solidness and an elevated expectation of administration. This is guaranteed by a steady construction, a free gamble the executives and control framework and far reaching consistence with the public guidelines.

As well as offering a complete item portfolio and a broad scope of advantages, AVP has a group of specialists close by to offer help for its clients. This incorporates experts from the areas of venture and protection, too as legal counselors who can assist with authoritative issues.

Likewise, the AVP offers a wide assortment of instructive and preparing open doors for its individuals. These incorporate courses, gatherings and studios. AVP is continually endeavoring to create and work on its items and administrations to fulfill the needs of its clients. Along these lines, offering its workers and their families the most ideal degree of security and safety is capable.

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