Saturday, October 9, 2021

How to Buy Firearms Without a License


Q: Is it legal to buy firearms without a license in California? My girlfriend and I are considering buying several of the older handguns for sale in an old antique store. Would we be breaking any laws if we purchased these guns? Thank you. Also, do you know if we would be breaking any laws if we purchased antique firearms without a license?

A: The state law does not require anyone to buy firearms without a license, however, some sellers do require a buyer fill out an application and fingerprint card before they will allow the sale of a firearm to that person. These cards are also called FFLs and are available at most gun dealers or hunting stores. If a person goes to a private party without getting a FFL, he or she can be charged with a felony and also be held in jail for up to a year. There is an exception to this rule when it comes to certain types of handguns for sale, but that exception depends on the seller and the state he or she is dealing with.

In our case, we would not be breaking any law by purchasing a few sidneys without a FFL, nor could we be held in jail because of it. The girlfriend asked me how we could know which sidneys to look for without driving all over California. You can get a hold of many older handguns for sale from private parties at reasonable prices if you are willing to do a little bit of research and then compare and contrast what you find to what you understand about purchasing firearms. Looking More Buy firearms without ffl

First, you want to make sure the individual selling the gun has a FFL and have documented proof of that FFL. You can check out the National Firearms Association website to determine if the seller has a FFL or not. If the individual does have a FFL, then you will want to ask more questions and find out what type of gun they have to sell. Many times individuals who are selling older sidneys will intentionally mis-sell you a gun that they don't really own simply to make more money. You can also run your own background check on the individual to see what kind of past they have.

Secondly, you will want to make sure that the individual selling you the sidney has a firearm license to sell. You can usually use the Department of Public Safety's website to find out where the license was issued and what restrictions were in place. Most licensees must be active members of the department for a certain period of time and must renew their FFL every year. So, if the individual selling you the Sidney has a firearm license but does not have a permanent address or does not appear to have permanent ID, then this may be an indication that they do not legitimately own the firearm.

Last, you will want to make sure the person is selling you the firearm to a licensed dealer. The National Firearms Association's website can answer many of your questions as to who may be selling you a firearm. The LAOA's website will state which states they are licensed to transact business in, as well as provide you with contact information for the dealers licensed in those states. There are also multiple phone numbers for licensed dealers that you can call to inquire about buying or selling a firearm. If you need further information on the license of the person you are dealing with, you may want to look up the licensing requirements of your particular state and consult the state's Attorney General or your local police department for further information.

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