Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Super Signatures Will Help You To Build Up Your LinkedIn Profile


Super Signatures are an exciting feature of Autoresponders. In this new version, you have the ability to build a signature that will be displayed to the receiver. But how can a simple signature add so much value to your Autoresponder series and make it worth your while? Because people love to have their information personalized. They want their information to stand out, and they want to see it every time they open an email or view a web page.

The simple, yet valuable email messages that comprise your autoresponder series are the perfect vehicle for building your personal signature. Think about it - if you were selling insurance, would you put the phone number of your company or its agent as the sender's name, or would you put your own personal number? Obviously, you would put the company's number, because it represents the most important asset to your company. This is the same principle with autoresponders.

However, if you send out one sales pitch and your contacts only ever click on your links, how valuable are those sales pitches to them? Not very, and in fact, this particular Super Signature will not do anything to increase the number of sales that result from your emails. However, your potential customers will see your personal, phone number, and will associate it with your personal brand, and as a result will automatically feel more comfortable making a call to you. This is what is known as brand association, and it works.

The next time you send out an email list, consider including a super signature along with your company's information. This will not only help your potential customers recognize your email list, but it will also help establish trust between you and every single contact that results from your email list. Once you have your potential contacts on the same page with you, then it becomes much easier to sell to them. This is because your sales pitch will become more personal and they will trust that you really did mean what you said when you wrote that sales pitch.

A good way to get people to link to your website is to provide them with valuable content such as articles or free reports. People love to read free content and will often click on links to view these content if they like what they read. However, if you give away the same content for free, the reader will feel like they have had to jump through a lot of hoops just to get to your valuable content. With a Super Signature attached to each email list, they will instantly know that you have this valuable content and this means that they will be more likely to link back to your website.

This is why including a 超级签名  in your emails is so important. However, you do not have to limit yourself to just attaching one at the end of every single one of your emails. Instead, use it to build up credibility with your contacts and to make sure that they are actually interested in what you have to say.

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