Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Accelerating Innovation in the Atomization Technology Industry


Atomization, or the controlled fragmentation of a liquid stream into particles, is critical to many industries, including manufacturing. 19,500 U.S. companies (94 percent of them small and medium enterprises) manufacture or use atomized products, providing $1.46 trillion in annual revenue and employing 2.2 million people. Atomization technology is employed in fuel injection for motorized vehicles, 3-D printing and electric power generation, among other applications. But meeting atomization challenges requires technical and financial resources beyond the reach of individual companies, and accelerating innovation in the industry will require improved cross-sector engagement and coordination of research and development goals and activities. To meet these challenges, ASM International, America Makes, the AMES Laboratory, the Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, and Metal Powder Industries Federation have formed a new industry-led consortium called the Atomization Technology Innovation Consortium (ATIC).

Atomizers produce fine sprays of fluid droplets, each a thousandth of a millimeter in diameter or smaller. They maintain the osmotic value of food products, preventing drying-out, and they can also mask undesired flavors or prevent the spread of germs. The atomization process is dynamic, with droplet sizes varying according to product, processing and storage conditions. Jasca’s advanced, customizable atomization equipment is used throughout the food industry to improve product appearance and quality, reduce costs and waste, and extend shelf life. For example, the Atomization technology  is used in bakeries to make bread rolls shine; to add flavor and color to meat products; to trap flour-dust to help workers avoid allergic reactions; and to atomize disinfectants for cleaning food machinery.

Ultrasonic atomization is one of the most widely used techniques for generating fine sprays of fluid. It works by converting the electric power of the atomizer into vibrational energy, which creates capillary waves and surface tension oscillations that break down the liquid film into smaller droplets.

Compared with traditional liquid spray, this technology has the advantage of lower operating temperatures and higher conversion efficiency, which makes it suitable for medical application such as drug atomization inhalation. In a recent study, researchers from LymTech and USI conducted an experiment to investigate the effect of atomization energy and liquid flow rate on aerosol droplet size. They used a Ventolin inhalation solution as the experimental material.

At low input power, Schlicting streaming dominates the atomization process. With increasing power, however, a finer mist forms, as shown in Fig. 9a. The proportion of peak 3 also increases with increasing power, indicating that the atomization technology is capable of producing a high-quality mist.

Another method of atomization is gas atomization, which uses hydrogen to break down metallic elements into a gaseous state. This method is popular for applications in which the metal must be in a pure form, such as for gas atomization of superalloys to avoid contamination with residual iron oxide. The technique is also preferred for high-sensitivity analysis, such as that of toxic heavy metals like arsenic, selenium and antimony. For AM using lasers, which typically demand a narrow distribution with a max/min ratio of 3:1 or better, gas atomization is also the most practical choice.

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