Sunday, August 6, 2023

Colon Camera - A Pill-Shape Camera For the Large Intestine


A colon camera is a tiny battery-powered camera in the shape of a pill that would be used to examine the large intestine. It’s been approved by the FDA and is already being tested in the UK. Patients could take it home and swallow it like a vitamin without the need for sedation or a tube inserted into the body, the company says. It would take high-speed photos of the intestinal tract over eight hours and send them wirelessly to a recorder the patient wears around the waist. Doctors would then download the images.

If a lesion is detected, the patient would then go on to get further tests or procedures. The device is being developed by a company called Given Imaging. It’s a follow-up to its existing pill cams, which doctors use to examine the esophagus and stomach. These can take up to 18 pictures per second.

The latest pill cam, which will be known as PillCam Colon, is designed to go into the colon and take pictures of the lining from the inside. It has a camera at both ends and can activate for up to two hours. A patient would then return the recorder to a doctor, who can then download and view the images.

These capsule cameras, also called wireless endoscopies or video capsule endoscopies, are an alternative to traditional colonoscopy. They allow doctors to check the lining of the bowel for signs of cancer, adenomas or other problems. They are more comfortable and less invasive than traditional endoscopies.

They’re used to detect polyps, 血便 which are small growths that could become cancerous. The test is a way to prevent colon cancer by finding and removing precancerous polyps. It can also be used to check for colon cancer recurrence after treatment.

To ensure the best results with this test, the bowel needs to be very clean so that the camera can see well. On the day before and the morning of the procedure, you’ll be asked to stick to a clear liquid diet and take a laxative. The test itself takes about an hour.

Although sensitivity and specificity of this technology has improved with time, it is still lower than that of a colonoscopy. It’s not as accurate in detecting small polyps and may miss some abnormal areas of the colon. It can also be disrupted by mucus, bubbles and other contents in the bowel. The camera cannot look in folds or hidden areas, and the battery can run out during the exam.

The FDA has approved the latest version of this test, which is expected to be available in the US next year. It’s important to tell your doctor about any allergies or medications you’re taking before you have a colon camera test. You should also disclose any previous surgeries or conditions. Some tests may require you to wear a bulky sensor belt around your abdomen and might make you uncomfortable. You should also be prepared for a lot of gas and cramping after the test, because your bowels will be working overtime.

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