Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Chiropractic Yokohama Kannai Headache Relief


Headache pain can affect every aspect of life and often times can be debilitating. This can be due to many reasons, some known and others unknown. A headache can be caused by neck injury, poor posture, tight muscles in the head and shoulders, stress, lack of sleep and a number of other things. Most of the time, headaches are caused by a constriction of blood flow to the brain. Many people who suffer from headaches can get relief by visiting a head or migraine chiropractor. These specialists are able to offer treatment options that reduce and even eliminate headache pain without the use of medication.

A chiropractor is a specialist that treats the spine and its surrounding muscles and ligaments. A typical chiropractor treatment plan involves spinal manipulation and therapeutic massage to address the source of the headaches, often in the neck area. This includes correcting the misalignments of the spine, releasing any tension in the muscles and ligaments that can cause headaches and providing education on proper posture, ergonomics and how to perform daily exercises to improve the neck's movement and flexibility.

In addition to spinal manipulation, a chiropractor can also treat myofascial trigger points in the neck and shoulders using various techniques such as FAKTR and Graston technique which uses specific metal tools to remove tight muscles that are associated with a headache. Sam Staula, a chiropractor with St. Luke's カイロプラクティック 横浜 関内 頭痛  Care, says that a good headache treatment plan will also include nutritional guidance and recommendations to avoid common headache triggers such as caffeine, alcohol, salty foods, sleeping problems and blood sugar changes. These factors are common in headache sufferers and can be avoided with the help of a head or migraine chiropractor.

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